Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Easter, chocolate & life casting

Hope all our UK readers had a nice Easter break. Now you're looking at all that chocolate & thinking 'I can't face any more', just imagine if your Easter chocolate wasn't egg shaped but body shaped!

Oh yes, it has been done by many but only a few have achieved something approaching tasteful. These are my favourite chocolate body parts:

Grace Jones

Famously had bits of herself cast using standard lifecasting techniques for the cover of her album 'Hurricane'.

Read more about this on Creative Review's blog: http://www.creativereview.co.uk/crblog/grace-jones-in-chocolate/

Just what the name says but only if America - fancy that!

This 10oz chocolate foot would be weird to eat especially if there were any bunions or dodgy toenails.....


Finger Food
As done by Foodisart.co.uk these are exact replicas of peoples fingers done in chocolate!

Complete with a police evidence bag to turn your stomach this is lifecasting the chocolate way and available to UK shoppers too.

Of course, you could have a go at this yourself with a life casting kit from Creative Casting & some melted down Easter eggs......


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