Thursday, 31 July 2008

Baby Prints Jewellery

Trying to catch up on the website & we have started adding our new range of Baby Prints jewellery this evening to complement our existing fingerprint range.

Have a look for yourself on the fingerprint jewellery page. The prints can be taken from a set you already have or for a guaranteed high detail hand or footprint, use our excellent inkless footprint kit specially discounted for use with the jewellery.

All items of jewellery can be hallmarked & personalised with a limited number of letters & they are sent to you within 28 days of us receiving your prints. Presented in a lovely jewellery box this is something every new Mum will want!

Thursday, 17 July 2008

More Olympic Castings...

Not much time for baby casting at the moment!

Both Julie & I have been out taking impressions for Camelot & The National Lotteryof various athletes these last few days:

Lynn Davies MBE - 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Gold Medallist, Long Jump

What a lovely man! It was a busy day at the National Indoor Athletics Centre & he took it all in his stride!!!

Karen Pickering MBE - Commonwealth Games & World Championships Gold Medallist, freestyle swimming.

With more medals than I've ever seen in her hand, Karen had her hands & feet cast & spoke to the local radio & press about supporting the 2012 Olympics.

Karen has her own swim school & works to raise moeny for many good causes, such as the British Olympic Foundation.

Gregor Tait

Ahead of going out to compete in the Beijing Olympics, Gregor added his support to The National Lottery 'Go for Gold' Scratchcard promotion by having his hands & feet cast by us. Once again he was great to work with despite never having had an impression done before.

After all this excitement Julie & I had better get some proper work done before the next Olympic casting next week!

Friday, 11 July 2008

3D Castings for Nick Gillingham, Olympic swimmer

Had some fun this week! As part of some work with Camelot we took casts of two Olympic medallists this week, the first being Nick Gillingham MBE.

The press call was to highlight the role of The National Lottery Scratchcards in raising funds for the 2012 London Olympics & we were on BBC Midlands Today that evening doing our thing!

Nick was a great guy & put up with having both his hands & feet cast several times. I even got to hold his beautiful bronze & silver medals!

Thursday saw us in Cardiff creating casts for Lynn Davies Olympic Gold medallist in 1963 & President of UK Athletics. More on that very soon!

See the other pictures of the casting on our news page or go get yourself a lottery scratchcard - I never knew there were so many till this week....

Monday, 7 July 2008

Name Frames - New from Creative Casting

Just a quick post today but I know a few people have been waiting for these to go live on the site & finally they are here!

Look great don't they!

Proving to be very popular as gifts for first birthdays, bridesmaids & pageboys these lovely name frames allow you to personalise the cut out letters by mounting a 6"x4" photo behind each one.

There are 3 sizes depending on the length of your name & many mount colour options. With beech or silver effect frames to choose from there's something to suit most tastes so why not treat some one today! Take a closer look at the name frames on our website.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

New casting kit frames - new contemporary style.

Having neglected the blog for some weeks it's time to tell you a few of the things we have been up to apart from sunbathing!

New Deep Rebate Frames

Adding a sleek, modern box frame to the collection has been a goal for us for many months & we have finally found a frame which we feel is perfect for our product range.

This one piece solid wood frame has a deep rebate allowing the depth needed for mounting hand & feet casts but maintaining a clean contemporary look when hung on the wall.

All our casting kits are available in this frame with two colour finishes - natural or dark wood.

The clay imprint kits are also being moved into this frame from the beech & silver effect frames currently used allowing a greater depth for your clay footprints. All the clay photo kits now have a fold out stand on the back meaning they can also be displayed as freestanding desktop gifts as well as hung on a wall.

The silver & beech effect frames will still be available in some styles for a few weeks yet but so far the new frames have proved very popular!

We have a few other lovely new ideas on their way so do take a look at our gift range on the website where some of these new baby gifts will be popping up.